Sunday, March 9, 2014

My hearts desire

The sunshine day caused me to burn,
Like the way my heart does for him.

He wraps me up in his warm skin,
And reminds me that I am safe.

I'm content when I fall asleep next to him,
Hearing him breathe deeply in and out.

He is my reason for waking up each day,
And the reason why I dream.

The smell of him surrounds my body,
Enveloping me and reminding me I'm not alone.

Although it's been a rough journey for us,
I couldn't imagine doing it with anyone else.

He encourages me to be the best I can be,
And doesn't tear me down when I'm not.

He is everything that I need him to be,
Strong, fearless, and smart.

He brightens each day with his smile,
And the way he looks at me with those eyes,
Makes me melt and fall in love all over again.

I love him for everything that he is,
He may not be perfect,
But he's perfect for me.

I know no matter how crappy of a day I have,
He can always make it better with a smile.

I fall asleep with his arms wrapped around my middle,
And I know in that moment, everything will be ok.


  1. <3 so beautiful words to say about someone. He surely sounds perfect to you. It also calms me down to know there's someone for you who cares and takes care of you. :)

  2. That is really wonderful. I'm glad you have him. xx
