Sunday, September 8, 2013

What would you do?

To what extents would you go to love yourself? To feel beautiful when you look in the mirror? What would you do to get that? Imagine how wonderful it would be to not be succumbed to your eating disorder. To be able to eat what you wanted and not spend the rest of your evening being angry and punishing your body. I know that the majority of us find destructive ways to try to make ourselves feel worthy.
There's the girls who party all the time, to get drunk and sleep with different guys. The number of men they sleep with determines their self worth.
There's the girls who will go through plastic surgery their whole lives. Add here, subtract here. Move this over there and remove that completely.
Then there are the girls who try to find something to make them noticed. For example: exotic dancing. Yes ladies, I'm talking about stripping.
I went to the strip club for my birthday with my best friend and T. It was a very eye opening experience, plus I had the time of my life. There I met a girl, we'll call her E. E was by far the most beautiful dancer there. She had confidence, she had a large chest. Long, blonde hair. Tall. In my eyes, the perfect woman. Looking at her, I could tell that she wasn't a size 0, but I also didn't think she was fat. So why is it that when it comes to my body, a size 0 still isn't good enough?
So anyway, E and I got to talking and I told her that the thought of being a dancer has crossed my mind several times before but I don't think I could ever go through with it. When she asked me why, I explained to her a bit about my past and my lack of self worth. This is when she tells me that once too had an eating disorder. She started working at the club about a year ago and she loves it. Her self esteem went sky rocketing through the roof. She feels beautiful and no longer doubts herself.
So this got me thinking; could becoming a dancer do this for me as well. Could it take a girl who has lived with her eating disorder for 13 years and cries every single day because she doesn't feel beautiful, and turn my life around? Would I go through with something that I know is still taboo in our society to give my self worth a shot? The answer to that is... Hell yes I would.
What do you ladies think? What would you do to start loving yourself and putting your eating disorder behind you, once and for all? I hope you all are doing well. And thank you so  much for the birthday wishes.
XOXO Katie


  1. I have lived with my ED for less time than you I've but I too have thought bout that. It must do a lot of good things for your self esteem but at the same time it must not. To sell yourself, that can't feel good. I guess it's all about what you can personally take. What your limits are.

  2. It might or it won't I've been thinking a lot about the dancing thing too. But it's not for everyone but the story about E shows the importance of daring to go out, out of the comfort zone and take changes. That's what helps to move forward when you surprise yourself by doing something you think you couldn't have done in million years.


  3. I don't know Katie what to tell you
    If it was me I don't think I could go through with it
    I think learning to love and accept yourself comes from within
    External things can help but I think we have to look inwards to really do the work

    I would just be afraid that it would backfire and you might end up feeling worse

    However it is your decision and I'll support you whatever you decide to

    Do take some time to think it over though

    Take care of you x

  4. I make no judgements about stripping/dancing. If you want to do it, you should go for it, and maybe it'll be everything you hope for.
    Although I must say that regular dancing is also a great confidence booster.
    I don't know how far I would go to feel beautiful. I mean, I would obviously have an ED, but I don't think that's something I choose to go for.

  5. I have seen so many girls looking confident on the outside while feeling terrible on the inside. It always shows, and the first step always has to be to admit that you're feeling terrible. Easier said than done, I know.

