Thursday, September 5, 2013

Happy? Birthday

It's been a pretty sad day. I don't know why, but I always have high expectations for this day. In reality, it's just another birthday. Another day of getting older. Another day of showing that I haven't accomplished recovery or anything.
My dad didn't call me. A lot of my close friends didn't call or text me. I've actually had to remind people. I don't know why I bother.
T and his dad are taking me out to dinner, where I'm expected to eat like a fat pig. I hope I'll be able to purge it. Because I'm already feeling so huge today. I have been so depressed today that I slept most of it.
My mom sent me flowers because she couldn't be with me today due to work. She's coming up this weekend though.
This post is just rambling. I apologize. I hope everyone had a better day than I did.


  1. People don't remember birthdays, but it doesn't mean they don't care about you. Especially now with facebook, where you get a nice reminder whenever it's someone's birthday. If you don't have that for someone, then it gets harder and harder to remember.
    Anyway, happy belated birthday! I hope if this day's not special tomorrow will be <3

  2. Sorry to hear that hun, happy birth day! We're celebrating for you. And no purging... that's not going to make you feel any better after.

  3. I know just how you feel Katie
    It's my birthday tomorrow and it is bitter sweet

    Try to enjoy the day as much as you can
    You deserve some happiness

    Love to you x

  4. Oh happy birthday Katie! Sometimes people are so wrapped up In their own little lives, don't let that dishearten you - I hope you enjoy today a little bit despite the food.. Fuck knows why birthdays or any celebrations always equal food but hey, this world is crazy. I wish you all the best xxx love you loads xxx

  5. I wish I could I've been there with you. I didn't forget about you, and I would have much rather been there with you than here on a stupid vacation. I'm sorry you had a bad birthday. You deserve nothing but the best. Xx <3

  6. I'm really sorry it wasn't a very happy day for you. Happy belated birthday hun.

  7. Happy birthday, I'm sorry it didn't meet your expectations darling but I hope it was okay in the end <3 xx
